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Se trata de conocer el funcionamiento del cerebro humano y su relación con el comportamiento humano y la toma de decisiones, con el propósito de aprovechar esos hallazgos para mejorar las relaciones con los clientes e incrementar las ventas. It is about knowing the functioning of the human brain and its relationship with human behavior and decision making, in order to take advantage of these findings to improve customer relationships and increase sales. Neuroselling considers customers as well as buyers and consumers of a final product, as individual personalities, with needs, preferences and different and specific tastes that the seller must satisfy, also involves in the sales process, the feelings of employees, suppliersdistributors that must be communicated to the neuromanager or neuro manager expert so that with all that information, develop strategies that when applied, achieve a lasting bond between the company and the client. Neuroselling seeks to offer solutions to clients' problems, but this can be achieved through a process that begins with a diagnosis of the situation after which those characteristics that satisfy that lack or need can be highlighted, since all beings humans have reptilian, primitive or survival needs which have a reptilian code: which when identified, it will facilitate the sale of the product. The most frequently used codes are: pleasure, tribe union, security, exploration, admiration and of course what the human being strives to achieve: happiness. A neuroseller must study the clients, analyze their body language, their words, their reactions, even their fears, to apply the appropriate strategy in order to gain customer loyalty and get them to return again and again to acquire the product or service, this can be achieved if it offers: interaction, ease, closeness and security and act with simplicity at the time of making the sale, to gain their trust and loyalty. When conducting interviews with company managers in Guayaquil, some companies knew about this methodology, however, they did not put it into practice due to ignorance of the systematic process of using this important tool, and they dint know any agencie that offered that service. Multinationals have applied neuroselling with excellent results, the favorable point is that most of the authorities interviewed expressed their interest on contracting this type of advice, hiring an agency that offers employees the necessary support to develop neuroselling strategies which definitely will be a vital ally for the strategic planning of each organization that will allow them to reach the objectives that include the increase in sales: happiness. A neuroseller must study clients, analyze their body language, their words, their reactions, even their fears, to apply the appropriate strategy in order to gain customer loyalty and get them to go back again and again to acquire the product or service, this can be achieved if it offers: interaction, facilitycloseness and security and acting with simplicity while making the sale to gain their trust and loyalty.

El nuevo Directorio lo componen:

Padres, hermanos, tías y abuelos colaboraban en la organización de la fiesta, pues si no había para las guirnaldas, serpentinas y ollas encantadas se las preparaba en la misma casa. Fault embargo, algunos eran los locales donde iban los jefes del hogar o cualquier encargado de comprar a importe adecuado lo necesario para la reunión: los almacenes Antepara Palomeque, Lilita, Carlín, La Raspa, Santiago, etcétera, para los globos, guirnaldas y juguetitos de las sorpresas y las ollas encantadas. Congratulation, Delfín Noroña, La Fuente y otros para los bocaditos y tortas, que también preparaban algunas conocidas familias de la ciudad. Los payasos, las películas del Walt Disney y los entretenimientos de otro tipo tenían poca litigio y los pequeños invitados se limitaban a escuchar canciones o rondas infantiles acordes con su edad. Pero los tiempos cambiaron y a las fiestas infantiles del setenta en adelante se sumaron algunas novedades, pues los artistas empresarios ofrecieron a los interesados programas completos con payasos, magos, películas y shows con disfrazados que imitaban a los personajes de series infantiles de televisión. Avisos de dos tradicionales almacenes porteños que anunciaban sus mercaderías para las fiestas infantiles. Los saludos radiales se escuchan poco y las velas de las tortas, asimismo, son diferentes. El baile de la botella, el reggetón y otros ritmos modernos sustituyeron a las rondas en las fiestas infantiles. Los payasos, globos, sorpresas y ollas encantadas de antaño fueron sustituidos poco a poco por los gachas, caritas pintadas, zanqueros y personajes de las series de televisión.